LT-4203A Parallel Plate Dielectric Test cell
LT-4203A Parallel Plate Dielectric Test Cell
The LT-4203A Parallel Plate Dielectric Test Cell is designed for measuring the AC loss characteristics and permittivity of solid laminates and panels per ASTM Standard D150‑98, and implements the guarded electrode (three terminal) measurement preferred as the referee method.
The standard sense electrode is 6.0 cm in diameter and the electrode separation may be adjusted to accommodate various sample thicknesses. A removable micrometer head permits measurement of electrode separation before testing. The 1.0 cm wide guard electrode eliminates fringing electric fields around the sense electrode for accurate calculation of test cell capacitance. Both electrodes are surrounded by a grounded frame which acts as a Faraday cage to reduce pickup of electrical noise.
Maximum operating temperature of the LT-4203A Parallel Plate Dielectric Test Cell is 150 °C, allowing measurement of dielectric properties at elevated temperatures. The LT-4203A Parallel Plate DielectricTest Cell may be used with either the Lambient Technologies LT-451 Dielectric Cure Monitor or generic LCR meters. When used with the LT-4203A, the LT-451 can test samples with thicknesses between 0.025 cm and 0.50 cm with optimum accuracy.
LT-4203A Parallel Plate Dielectric Test Cell Features
Removable, electronic thickness indicator
150 °C temperature tolerance
Spring-loaded electrode to ensure full contact with sample
Compatible with generic LCR meters